Your child probably knows about Disney and Marvel characters and celebrities. But does your child know about Jesus and the sacrifices he made? It’s a tough question and makes a lot of parents uncomfortable.
With children being so engaged in pop culture and technology these days, introducing your child to Jesus can be a little challenging. But it’s not entirely impossible, and as a Christian parent, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your child walks on the path of righteousness.
Read this article to learn more ways to introduce Jesus to your child.
1. Learn About Our Lord
If you want your child to know God, it’s important that you learn about God yourself. Parents and guardians are the first source of knowledge about faith for children. Spend time reading and understanding the Bible. There are tons of bible study resources online that will help you do this.
In addition, read books that will increase your knowledge about Jesus and the Scripture so if your child asks bible questions, you can answer them easily. When it comes to learning about faith, there’s no end to it, so always have a learner’s mindset.
2. Model Faith For Your Child
Children model those around them.
You can talk to your child about the Lord for hours, but your child will not learn until they see you practice your faith.
However, that doesn’t mean you tire yourself trying to be a perfect human. God did not make us perfect, nor does He expect perfection from us.
Instead, you want to teach your child that sometimes we mess things up, but we must always ask the Lord for forgiveness.
3. Practice Forgiveness
Jesus modeled forgiveness for us, and the Bible talks about the topic of forgiveness in numerous verses:
“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (Matthew 18:21-22)
Read your children verses from the Bible on forgiveness, but also make sure you show them how to forgive others. Children tend to make many mistakes every day, and every mistake is an opportunity for you to forgive them. Moreover, practice forgiveness with everyone around you because your child is definitely observing you.
Teaching your child about Jesus is a process that helps develop their personality and makes them a better human.
Additionally, you can also discuss bible devotion topics with them at Bible Issues. Our blog has tons of resources on the Bible to simplify Bible study for you and your children. Check them out on our website here.