Religion plays an important role in the survival of an individual; it provides the guidelines to make the correct choices in life. Without religion, a person has no purpose and an empty soul. Take a look at these six biblical verses to understand the importance of believing in God:
The Epistle Of Romans, Chapter One Verse Eighteen
This biblical verse explains how God has a right to blame humankind for their downfall, as it all begins with denying God. The verse further explains how humans focus on the world’s attractions and forget to pray to Him. Instead of worshiping Him, we idolize the things on earth. In the end, God expresses his anger by letting humans live in this materialistic world that could lead to painful results.
The Book Of Psalm Chapter Nine Verse Three
In this biblical verse, David starts by explaining how all the world’s beings glorify the Lord. All these creations speak His name and increase His glory; no other entity in the universe can make any of the creations. His presence is everywhere, and there is no creation that can’t hear or feel his existence.
The Book Of Isaiah Chapter Forty Six Verse Nine
All the past, present, and future events, whether good or bad, are done by God’s will, such as the rise of ancient Mesopotamia and the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. In the last verse, the Lord challenges humanity to find a God like him.
Through this verse, it is clear that God is our Savior. He can make any nation rise and fall, and the best way to please Him is through understanding the Word of God.
The Book Of Proverbs Chapter One Verse Seven
The intelligent man is the one who cultivates an adaptive spirit and is keen to gain knowledge of God. Fear of God is the foundation of insight, awareness, and the first step in finding the truth. It is the key to spiritual insight and the sole requisite for godly teaching in righteousness.
A person can only fear God if he knows about the teachings and prophecies of the Holy Bible; without it, you will feel empty and lost from inside.
The Epistle Of Hebrew Chapter Eleven Verse Six
Faith is the key to connecting to God, without believing a person cannot survive, as food items can feed your body needs, but only faith feeds the soul. God says, have faith in me, and I will guide you to the right path. There is no other being that can help you but Me, as I am your Savior.
The Book Of Genesis Chapter One Verse Twenty Seven
This biblical verse explains facing a test every day is a part of human life. It is evident from the examples mentioned in the Bible from Adam to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Now the question that comes to mind is, why did God test us in such a way? The answer to that is God has created humans in the image of God, and he expects humankind to follow His guidelines.
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