Every person on this planet deals with stress at some point in time. This can hit you when you’re out of your comfort zone, are overworked, or sick. Stress can spiral out of control, particularly in times of grief and loss. Sometimes the path might seem so bleak that we even begin to question God’s presence in our lives. Here are some healthy ways to deal with stress:
Understand Your Problem
The first thing to focus on is recognizing the problem. If there’s something wrong in your life, admit it instead of living in denial. We understand that this is easier said than done but is the fastest way to get a solution.
“Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!” Psalm 32:2 says.
To recognize the problem, you will need to evaluate the situation. Others can only help you when you’re ready to accept their assistance.
Avoid Making Unhealthy Decisions
People who struggle with anxiety and stress tend to find unhealthy ways to cope. Some might prefer to sleep it out, snack on junk food, indulge in drinking, while others may choose to bottle their feelings. None of these is a healthy option, and they can lead to bigger problems later on. Your soul needs love, care, affection, and reassurance. Talk to your friends and family to feel lighter. Try meditation or yoga to calm yourself and distract your mind.
Turn To God’s Word
There’s nothing more reassuring than the living Word of God. No matter what you may go through in life, the Bible has answers and solutions for it all. Several psalms, parables, and instances depict God’s guiding hand and power for those who seek it. Whenever you feel like your mind is wandering into a dark place, focus all your attention on God and watch Him work wonders in your life.
Join a Bible Study Group
Another great way to learn more about what God has to say about trials and troubles is by communicating with other people. We have an online community on Facebook where you can connect with people worldwide and learn about the truth. You can share your experiences, message members privately, and discuss religious topics.
Pray Faithfully
Prayer is one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with God. All you have to do is close your eyes and pour your heart out to Him. Trust that God has a plan for you, and now even though things may not go your way, there’s a bigger reward waiting for you.
Read Religious Books
You can also read other religious books that are related to your specific situation. Read what people have to say about dealing with stress and how God guided them through it. We have a collection of books that you can turn to whenever needed. You can download free chapters of Several Spiritual Warfare Without the Spiritual Weirdness, Small Devil, Big God, 8 Myths that keep Christians in Bondage via the link.