A preacher was at a Hindu funeral of someone who committed suicide. The pundit conducting the service stated that those who commit suicide have lost all chance of forgiveness. The preacher marveled how even a Hindu pundit could get such a revelation of truth. First of all I question whether that is really a truth,…

Many believers fall into deep condemnation whenever they sin. They read scriptures in the Bible which say that we should be faultless and blameless and they interpret that to mean that they should be sinless. And since they are not sinless, they fall into condemnation. In this article, we look at the scriptures, and we…

A Christian should know with 100% certainty that they have eternal life, and that when this life is over, they will spend eternity with God. They do not have to wait until after they die to find out. They can and must know now. Do you know for sure that you are going to heaven?…

8 times in the book of Revelation, some kind of blessing associated with heaven and eternal life is promised specifically and exclusively to those who overcome (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 21:7). Does this mean that Christians must do something in order to qualify for heaven? What does it mean to overcome?…

What happens to Christians who sin and die before they get a chance to confess their sin or repent? Do they go to heaven or hell? It really boils down to this. We all agree that God has forgiven us of our past sins. Has he also forgiven us of our future sins? Is it…

Apostasy is an intimidating sounding word. This article explains exactly what it means. Main Points Apostasy is a willful departure from God. There is no repentance from it – it is permanent. It cannot happen by accident. Christians can commit apostasy. DOWNLOAD FREE CHAPTERS FROM OUR NEW BOOKS Definition Apostasy means an abandonment…

Although the word backslide or backsliding does not appear in the New Testament, backsliding is a widespread occurrence today. People come to church for a while, appear to be passionate for God, then for no apparent reason, decide that they want nothing to do with Christ anymore. Why does that happen, and how do we…

Suppose a Christian is driving his car, and in a moment of frustrated road rage, he cusses out another driver. Then while he was not paying attention, he gets in an accident and dies on the spot. So he never got a chance to confess his sin to God. He never got a chance to…

Eph. 2:8,9 and Rom. 6:23 teach that salvation is a gift. Salvation is not based on faith and works, but faith alone, resulting in good works. Good works performed after salvation determines our reward in heaven, not our eventual presence there. In this article, we investigate the correct scriptural balance between faith and works. We…

There is a lot of misunderstanding of what is a Christian, or what is Christianity. In the US, there is a fierce debate over LGBT rights and religious liberty. LGBT sympathizers are militantly opposed to conservative Christianity, which they think is responsible for discriminating against them in the past. On the other hand, they love…