After what I have written in the previous articles, it may come as a surprise that I do not oppose the legalization of gay marriage or same sex marriage. I am not for it either. In fact, if I had to vote whether or not to legalize it, I would vote against it. But you…

If you watch CNN, or read Yahoo or the Huffington Post (as well as other liberal media), almost every day you will read an article against conservative Christianity and in favor of gay marriage. Sometimes they will feature articles written by “gay pastors”. Little by little they are trying to push the idea on American…

Main Points Popular science is driven and funded by pop culture and politically motivated agencies. The actual scientific studies show that being gay is environmental not biological. We are all born in sin. DOWNLOAD FREE CHAPTERS FROM OUR NEW BOOKS Is there are gay gene? Homosexuals claim that sexual orientation is genetic, and as such…

Did God create the sun after the earth? Take a casual read of God’s creation order in Genesis 1, and you will see 1) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth 2) On Day 4 of creation, God created 2 lights – one to rule the day and one to rule the…

If this thought has ever crept into your mind, you’re not alone. As one of the most-asked questions, the earth’s age has been debated for years, decades, centuries, and eons. Or perhaps even longer. The earth is presumed to be approximately 4.5 billion years old. But how accurate is this presumption? Since the Bible doesn’t…

From a Christian perspective, the theory of evolution is NOT entirely false. Evolution is not totally incompatible with intelligent design or creationism. There are aspects of evolution that are true, and aspects that are not true. In order for Christians to properly respond to evolution, we must first understand it. This article attempts to cut…