It’s natural to dread the Monday blues. We all know that familiar feeling of opening our eyes on Monday mornings wishing it was a Sunday instead. Mondays tend to generate anxiousness and unrest in all of us.
If you’re one of those people who struggle and give in to these overwhelming feelings, turn to the Scripture instead. The Word of the Lord provides peace, assurance, guidance, and the strength to endure another work week.
Here are some verses that you should meditate on a Monday morning.
The Lord Gives Us Strength
Read Isaiah 40:28-29 to help you get through Monday morning blues. The Verse reminds us that God’s faithfulness is unchangeable. So, even in our weakest times, we should find Jesus as the source of our strength.
In this Verse, the Lord puts right any doubts that creep in about his ability to take care of us. We might not understand why we’re struggling, but His understanding is far greater than ours. When we want to find relief from our current issues, we should remember His mercies on us.
It’s the Lord that gives strength to the weak and it’s He who increases strength when we need it the most. You might wonder how you can tap into this strength. But the Lord has already shown us how. If we trust His ability and rely on Him entirely; however, if we depend on our own strength, we’ll feel frustrated.
The Lord Gives Us Rest
In Matthew 11:28-29, the Lord invites His children and promises them rest. We must decide if we want to follow Him and be made new. The Lord invites us to put down our heavy burdens and rest. Rest is our divine promise, and it’s wide enough to cover every form of human sorrow and sin.
Verse That Reminds Us to Trust the Lord
Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 was talking about physical afflictions. The “thorns in the flesh” mean weaknesses that we can’t escape. But with these physical afflictions come moral dilemmas. After all, we all face the struggle of admitting how weak we are. Humans are stubborn, so we keep trying and failing. It’s strange how we cling onto this false sense of ‘independence.’
Even Paul found it difficult admitting that he couldn’t go on on his own. Though he trusted Jesus fully, it took him some time to realize that weakness can be powerful. It reminded him to trust God when he feels weak.
We hate being dependent on anyone. It’s seen as a defect because only children are supposed to be dependent. But we’re all children of the Lord. So, when we need something, He fulfills it for us.
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