If you attend a Pentecostal / charismatic church, you may have witnessed or experienced a church service where the Holy Spirit “comes down” and “takes over,” and there is only praise and worship, no preaching. In such special services, there is an extended praise and worship together with an altar call. People get excited, run…
In this article we will examine the claims made by cessationists that the 1 Corinthians 12 spiritual gifts have ceased, and compare these claims with scripture. Main Points Miracles were not only for the apostles or the apostolic age. Prophesy will cease at the end of the age. “Greater things” cannot be limited to…
How much power does the devil really have? What can and can’t he do? And how do we respond to his attacks? This article answers those questions. Main Points The real issue is what the devil can and cannot do. God has a hedge around His people – even if they are not always…

I am Pentecostal and I believe in tongues, prophesy and healing. I am an ordained minister in the Church of God, and until they kick me out for being too outspoken, I’ll remain a member. There are many Pentecostal pastors who are genuine and sincere men of God, hard workers who make tremendous sacrifices for…

In this article, I attempt to describe faith in as practical a manner as possible. I will use the teachings of Jesus himself, examples from the life of Abraham, and give practical examples of how we can exercise faith today. Main Points Faith is not the ability to concentrate hard. Faith recognizes Jesus’ authority. It…
I come from a Christian background where specific groups of people were considered to have the “ministry of spiritual warfare”. These people were usually more “spiritual” than the rest of us. During public services, they would often indulge in the craziest practices, e.g. spinning around in circles, dancing on one foot, making funny noises,…

There is certainly nothing wrong with praising God. It is our duty to praise him because He is great and greatly to be praised. Praise and worship is good. However some Christians believe that when we praise and worship God, He comes down and showers us with blessings, people are healed, demons scatter and victories…

In many churches today, people horde to the altars not to repent of their sins or cry out to God, but to seek the hand of the power evangelist or “anointed” man of God. Their hope is that he would lay hands on them and their problems would all go away – they would be…
The Bible says that there will be false prophets in the last days. Coincidentally(?), many preachers today call themselves prophets. Considering the influence these people have on Christians, it is imperative that we learn how to identify false prophets. That’s what this article teaches you. Main Points One strike and you’re out. If a…

There are people today who claim to be apostles and prophets and actually add these titles to their names. “Apostle so and so will be ministering in this church”. “Prophet so and so said there will be an earthquake.” They claim that the 5 fold ministry has been restored. Does the Bible teach us to…