I recently looked at a YouTube video by a group called ReformedWiki that said we should not sing songs by Hillsong and Bethel in our churches. Their main reason is that they don’t consider Hillsong and Bethel to be genuine churches, primarily because of their doctrines. Now, I agree that there is something terribly wrong…

Is Covid-19 a sign of the times? Maybe. What about ISIS? The fact that they kill and persecute Christians certainly raise alarms. But to an extent, these things have happened throughout history. How do we know if we are living in the last days? This article answers those questions. Main Points Don’t be too…

All religion is a mixture of truth and tradition with differing shades of gray. There is no area where this is more evident than in Christian worship. Worship means different things to different people. From Catholicism to Protestantism, all denominations define worship in terms of their traditional thinking and cultural conditioning. For some it is…

Should women wear a head covering when they are praying or prophesying in church? The Bible does say so, but the real question is why? This article answers the “why” behind the command. Once we understand that, we can then make sense of the “what”. Main Points The head covering was NOT the woman’s…

There is a 50% chance you go to a church that does not believe in female pastors. Women are allowed to lead worship. They may teach children and other women, but not men. They are no longer required to cover their heads in church – that rule has been relaxed. But they must be silent…

There are many people today who are considered Christian ministers. Some come across as motivational speakers, offering very little spiritual food. Many people claim to be blessed by them, but is this really ministry? There are other preachers on TV who are always asking for donations. They fly private jets, drive rolls Royce’s and their…

I have friends, who are very sincere Christians and whom I respect deeply, who just love Christian rap and hip hop gospel music. Personally, they are not my favorite musical genres. In fact, I am not a big fan of modern music, period. But I’m not so narrow minded as to impose my personal taste…

People often say that you must be faithful to your local church first. For example, if you wish to visit a different church one Sunday, people will tell you that your first commitment must be to your home church. If you’re involved in ministry outside of the local church (e.g. campus ministries), they say that…

If you’ve ever watched Christian TV, it is impossible to hear a sermon without the preacher asking for donations. There are two things that are impossible – for God to lie, and for a TBN preacher to not guilt you or lure you into giving. Preachers asking for financial assistance is not wrong. The Bible…

This article is motivated by recent events happening in the United States, in particular the states of North Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi. There is tremendous controversy over a “religious liberty bill” that consists of two components: People should use public restrooms pertaining to the gender they were born with. Religious people can refuse business services…