One of the most disheartening trends in the church today is the lack of enthusiasm displayed by teenagers concerning the things of God. This is in contrast with their fanatical fascination with the things of the world. Even children of very good Christian people seem to be caught up in the trend. In some churches,…

Any couple that does not use some form of contraception will bear 15 – 20 children in their lifetime. Thus everyone uses some form of contraception. Yet some Christians deliberately desist from using condoms, the pill or any other artificial means of contraception. They pile on children by the litter, and often have more than…

Are wives supposed to submit to their husbands? In this day and age? This topic provides a perfect example of how culture affects our understanding of the Bible. According to my principle of biblical interpretation, it is essential to try to objectively (as much as you could) understand the culture and circumstances of the original…

One of the most common Christian dating questions I get is, “Do you believe that God has a husband/wife for each person?” My answer is a resounding NO. Absolutely not! Yet there are many Christians who believe that. Romance novels and popular songs all contribute to this notion. But there is not a shred of…

50% of people who say “I do” eventually change their minds. 1 in every 2 persons who vow to stay together “until death do us part” eventually say “I don’t anymore”. Now if that statistic only applied to those outside of the church, one could easily conclude that these people get divorced because they don’t…

Divorce is never good even if justified. No one ever benefits. Both husbands and wives suffer, even if they don’t always admit it, and children are the worse off. Nevertheless, the Bible does allow for divorce and remarriage under certain conditions. When is divorce justifiable? When is remarriage permitted? This article answers these question. Main…