Some people believe that since the tithes were part of the Law which is no longer applicable to Christians, so too the tithes are no longer a requirement for us today. It is also a fact that many preachers, in a relentless greed for filthy lucre, have manipulated crowds into giving huge sums of money…

In the Old Testament (OT), God set aside the Sabbath day as the day His people should worship. God rested on the 7th day and commanded men to do likewise. The Jews observed the Sabbath from Friday 6 pm to Saturday 6 pm. Nothing in the NT explicitly teaches that any change was to occur….

Jesus stated that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Law keeping “Christians” latch on to this as they attempt to impose their bondage on other Christians. They tell you that Christians are supposed to keep the Old Testament law otherwise you are not genuinely following Christ. Is that true?…

There are many Old Testament scriptures which are mind boggling to New Testament (NT) believers. For example, Exodus 23:19 commands chefs not to boil a goat in its mother’s milk. What does that even mean, and what does it have to do with us today? Dispensationalists believe that many of those Old Testament scriptures no…

There are many well meaning sincere believers who still observe the food laws of the Old Testament. Certainly they are not in sin and there may be real health benefits to such a practice. But are believers required to do likewise and are those food laws still expressions of holiness before God? Main Points God…