This is one of the most difficult Biblical passages to interpret, and one that can easily be used to propagate false doctrines if not done properly, as has been the case. I will attempt to interpret this passage in the given context to determine the meaning that was understood by the initial hearers and the…

Is it a shame for a man to have long hair? If so, who considers it a shame, and why is it considered a shame? The answer to these questions and others are necessary to determine whether men may or may not wear long hair today. This article answers those questions. Main Points 1…

Is it a sin to tell a lie? If a woman knocks 5 years of her age when asked how old she is, does she need to repent in sackcloth and ashes? Is it the same as lying to save someone in court or to condemn someone wrongfully? Or is there a type of lying…

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23). The Bible correctly says so. Many preachers and leaders however, incorrectly apply this to anyone who dares to disagree with or criticize them. In fact many Christians are afraid to question the teachings of their leaders and prominent ministers for fear of “touching God’s anointed”….
We have all gone through trials and hardships. And many of us have wondered if we committed some sin, or if God is angry at us for some reason. Some of us have even questioned if God had forsaken us or forgotten us. From an intellectual point of view, we know that God has promised…

Is masturbation a sin? Whoever has never had a “lustful thought”, be the first to say yes. How do we deal with such thoughts? In the light of Matthew 5:28, believers seem to be walking a tight rope everyday of their lives. But I believe lust is a very much misunderstood word and concept. It…

When it comes to alcohol, there are two extremes. One, no believer should be an alcoholic. There are numerous passages of scripture that speak against this state, among which are Eph. 5:18; Prov. 20:1; 31:4. Alcohol in excess has a controlling effect on human behavior, a damaging effect on human health and is even the…

Paul speaks of a war waging within us between the spirit and the flesh. They both have different agendas and entirely different natures. Galatians 5 tells us what the works of the flesh are (vs 19-21) and what the fruit of the spirit are (vs 22-24). Many Bible scholars have put forward definitions of all…

Whenever we go through difficult times, peace often gives way to anxiety, stress and fear. It happens to the best of us. But the apostle Paul was able to sleep through a shipwreck. What is the secret to maintaining the peace of God regardless of what we are going through? This article gives the answer…

After what I have written in the previous articles, it may come as a surprise that I do not oppose the legalization of gay marriage or same sex marriage. I am not for it either. In fact, if I had to vote whether or not to legalize it, I would vote against it. But you…