Modern revival movements, such as the Asbury Revival, Brownsville and the Toronto Blessing, have been infested by manifestations such as being slain in the Spirit (falling backward), holy laughter, holy rolling, carpet time, and uncontrollable shaking. This article investigates whether these manifestations are of God, the devil or human origin. I don’t focus…

It is not uncommon in charismatic circles to see people falling down whenever the preacher lays hands on them. In fact, it’s an anticlimax when they don’t. This is called “being slain” in the Spirit – and no, it does not mean that people are being killed by the Holy Spirit. Why do people fall?…
This article looks at all the scriptures that appear to support new age doctrines like positive confession and positive thinking. It provides the correct interpretation of those verses. Main Points The Bible does not teach positive confession and positive thinking. Word of faith people read the Bible through a new age lens. They see positive…

It is not uncommon to hear people bind the devil and loose the angels of God. They think binding refers to some action against the devil. But what is the true meaning of binding and loosing? What exactly are the keys to the kingdom in Matthew 16? This article answers those questions. Main Points Charismatics use…
Our Father, I decree and declare that thou art in heaven; for had we not done so, Thou mightest have fallen from heaven like lightning I speak forth your kingdom on earth and decree that thy will be done We confess that our daily bread is provided I declare that we are forgiven and we…

Although the Bible did not spell out what exactly was Paul’s thorn in the flesh, it gives us enough clues to figure it out. This article investigates and identifies Paul’s thorn. Main Points Paul’s thorn was NOT a physical ailment. It could be easily identified from the contextual clues given in 2 Corinthians. The thorn…

In recent time, there has been a growing number of people claiming to be healed of various ailments. Unfortunately many of these people are reported to have been re-infected with their sicknesses not long after being healed. I thank God for the genuine healings that occur, but what about the many who “get back sick”…

Most Christians would readily agree that in some way or another, physical healing is included as part of Jesus’ atonement. If it is not received in this life, definitely it will be in the next one. But the real question that causes division is, “Does the atonement of Jesus guarantee physical healing in this life?”…

Jesus taught that if we didn’t forgive others, God would not forgive us. He taught us to forgive others as we ourselves obtained forgiveness from God. He also spoke highly of those who are merciful. What exactly does God require of us? Are there instances when we should not forgive? How do you know when…

A preacher was at a Hindu funeral of someone who committed suicide. The pundit conducting the service stated that those who commit suicide have lost all chance of forgiveness. The preacher marveled how even a Hindu pundit could get such a revelation of truth. First of all I question whether that is really a truth,…