Raising a family can be extremely challenging. But it’s also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.

There’s an abundance of dating advice everywhere. You’ll pick up one article online and walk away with dozens of tips that promise a Shakespearean love (anyone remembers Romeo and Juliet?).

You can learn a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven from the Gospel of Matthew. Especially in Matthew 20:1-16, you can find Jesus’ parable on the concept of the Kingdom of Heaven. It also appears in Mark 12:1-12 and Luke 20:9-19.

There is a lot to unpack in Saul and David’s story. Saul used to be a powerful King who mentored the young David. But soon, David began surpassing him. And instead of taking pride in his success, Saul grew to hate him.

It’s natural to dread the Monday blues. We all know that familiar feeling of opening our eyes on Monday mornings wishing it was a Sunday instead. Mondays tend to generate anxiousness and unrest in all of us.

2021 was a year full of uncertainties and hurdles. But as the world enters its third consecutive year of the pandemic, we should all look at God’s Word for hope.

As Christians, it’s our responsibility to introduce our children to God. However, if you start reading Bible verses to your child, they might get bored quickly. The best strategy is to tell your child engaging Biblical stories. In this article, you’ll learn two Biblical that you can read to your child today.

Moses is a key character in the Bible and perhaps the most important prophet after Jesus. He was the first abandoned child mentioned in the Scripture. He was also the one who saw God on Mount Sinai with his brothers Aaron.

If you’re a Christian and have read the Bible, then chances are you know the story of Adam and Eve. Most of us know that Adam and Eve were the first of God’s creations. But do you know there are lessons in that story? Unless they’ve studied the Bible carefully, most people don’t using bible…

It’s doesn’t matter what you did in the past year; the new year is your chance to become a better Christian. But you must promise to commit to faith and pray for the Lord’s guidance.