Your child probably knows about Disney and Marvel characters and celebrities. But does your child know about Jesus and the sacrifices he made? It’s a tough question and makes a lot of parents uncomfortable.

If you’ve decided to study the Bible by yourself, know that you’ve made a huge investment in your faith. Studying the Word of God is the first step to improving your life and those around you. While studying the Bible is not easy, it’s definitely possible to use the best bible study tools, books and…

Indeed spending time with the Word of God brings calm, provides guidance and knowledge, and nourishes and replenishes the soul. However, for some people, figuring out how to spend time with God through Bible study can be perplexing and daunting. People are often confused about how to start.

Everyone is sent into this world with a purpose. However, sometimes you can feel lost and unsatisfied with life. People often forget that the Holy Bible is a golden book to get near to God. The first step to knowing your purpose in life is by reading and interpreting the Word of God.

The Bible is an amazing resource of hopefulness and solace when feeling low. Biblical texts can serve as a reminder that God and Jesus Christ love us for who we are, whether poor or rich. Often people feel low when facing a tragedy like losing a loved one. These inspirational Bible verses for sadness will fill you with hope…

Here’s an infographic on daily Bible study:

Religion plays an important role in the survival of an individual; it provides the guidelines to make the correct choices in life. Without religion, a person has no purpose and an empty soul. Take a look at these six biblical verses to understand the importance of believing in God:

Bible is a collection of old and new testaments along with sacred scriptures of God and Jesus Christ. It plays an important role in Christianity by giving the guidelines for following the path of God. It teaches people how to make better choices in life by elaborating examples of the prophets.

There are several arguments and theories about the creation of the universe. These include the Big Bang Theory and various scientific and religious arguments. However, what the Bible says is of utmost importance for us since the Bible’s verses provide complete guidance on all questions of life and the universe. Even the remarkable Big Bang Theory offers proof…