It can be difficult to find a partner as a Christian, particularly since the dating scene is so different to what it was back in the 70s, 80s, and even 90s and early 2000s. Most young people today don’t want serious relationships, making it difficult for those looking to find their soulmate. Many Christians also choose to be celibate till marriage, which in today’s day and age is considered a deal breaker. So how can we go about dating as a Christian?
Stop looking for “the one”
As a Christian, you’re probably tempted to look for your soulmate from the get go. This puts incredible pressure on you and the person you’re getting to know. The smallest difference in opinion or habit can make you think it’s a deal breaker, mainly because we romanticize the role of a soulmate. It’s important to understand that your soulmate will also have flaws and you will have issues down the line. It’s about how the two of you come together to work on these shortcomings, instead of just ending things. The beauty of marriage is the God sustains you, despite your flaws.
Date with the intention of marriage
When dating or getting to know someone, always do so with the intention of marriage. If you don’t see a future with someone, you’re better off letting them know so you can focus on finding a partner you do actually see a future with. While it’s quite common to have flings and casual relationships these days, you’re essentially spending time and energy which you could put into someone who you see a future with.
Determine how important religion and spirituality is to you
Belonging to the same community is important to some, while others are alright with dating people from other religious backgrounds. Take the time out to consider how important the religious background of a person is before you begin dating. Don’t date with the intention to ask someone to convert for you. Likewise, many individuals who initially thinkreligionisn’t that important realize how much their values differ from their current partner.
Look for someone with similar values to you
Every person has a vision of what they would like their relationship to look like. Make a list of the values you want in your partner and don’t compromise on them. It can be as serious as having similar religious values or as simple as wanting to explore the globe together.
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