There’s an abundance of dating advice everywhere. You’ll pick up one article online and walk away with dozens of tips that promise a Shakespearean love (anyone remembers Romeo and Juliet?).
Everyone is desperate to find a fool-proof way of maintaining their relationships. You might’ve heard to find someone who’ll love you more than you love them. Why not find someone who’ll love God more than anyone else?
Here’s how you can put God at the center of your relationship.
Strengthen Your Relationship with God
You can’t take your relationship to a spiritual level without being spiritual yourself first. You have to strengthen your faith first in God so He and you can work on your relationship.
Encourage Each Other
Jesus is the only thing different between a Godly and a worldly relationship. This makes a Christ-centered relationship a lot healthier than other relationships. You have to encourage each other toward Jesus to strengthen your bond. Not only will you stop each other from sinning, but it’ll also bring you closer to each other.
Love God First
You might think that religion should only be restricted to a smaller part of your life. But that isn’t true. You should put God first because He is your Creator, and He has created you for Himself (Colossians 1:16).
Go To Church Together
Always go to the Church together before you go on Sunday dates. If you have limited time for any reason, choose to go to Church together first. That’s because God honors those who honor Him. If your relationship puts God first, God will bless your relationship.
Be Honest
A God-centered relationship values honesty, and Christians know the consequences of dishonesty. In Christian dating, honesty’s a lot more than just telling the truth. It also means to show them the baggage you’re carrying.
Remember, God’s power is made in our weakness (2 Corinthians 2:9).
Grant One Another Grace
We’re all imperfect, so we’re bound to make mistakes. Your partner is just as imperfect as you are. That’s why it’s no surprise that your relationship will be imperfect too. But in 1 Peter 4:8, God commands us to love each other deeply because love covers sins. That’s why you should ask God to grant you the ability to forgive your partner.
Pray For Each Other
You become spiritually attached to someone if you pray for them. So, if you pray for your partner, you bless them in the spiritual and the physical realm. Moreover, you’re supporting your partner by praying for them.
Pray Together
We’ve all heard that a “family that prays together stays together.” If you plan to have a family with your partner, you should start praying with them. This is a healthy habit to get in, so instead of fighting when any issue arises, you can pray about it together.
Do you want to strengthen your relationship by studying the Bible? Visit Bible Issues for free Bible study tools and resources. We list daily Bible verses, audio sermons, etc. that will help strengthen your relationship.
You can also find our book on Christian dating, I Kissed Waiting Goodbye: 8 Myths that keep Christian Single. And, Small Devil, Big God, 8 Myths that keep Christians in Bondage on Amazon.