As Christians, it’s our responsibility to introduce our children to God. However, if you start reading Bible verses to your child, they might get bored quickly.
The best strategy is to tell your child engaging Biblical stories. In this article, you’ll learn two Biblical that you can read to your child today.
1. Birth of the Universe
Children often ask questions like, “How old is the world?” or “Where did we come from?”
If your child is curious about the origin of the Earth, tell them about the creation of the universe. This story will teach them about the mightiness of God:
There was nothing in the beginning, only darkness and formlessness. God is the only one who existed. First, He created light; then He created the universe in six days.
On the first day, God created night and day. On the second day, God made the sky and separated the waters from it. The third day is when He made the sea and land. Seed-bearing plants and vegetation on land came into being when God commanded them to.
On the fourth day, the creation of the moon, the sun, and the stars took place. God made them as symbols of time. It’s because of the sun and the moon that we can distinguish daytime from nighttime and months from years.
But God didn’t want to leave the universe devoid of living beings. So on the fifth day, He made living creatures in the sea and air. Finally, on the sixth day, He finished creating all land animals. He made man from dust, breathed life into him, and from his rib, created woman.
The creation of mankind is further elaborated in the story of Adam and Eve.
2. The Story of Adam and Eve
This story will teach children about the origin of mankind and why we need to follow God’s commandments.
The first man was Adam, and the first woman was Eve.
God placed them in the Garden of Eden and told them they could eat any fruit from any tree except the tree of good and evil. Adam and Eve listened to God and stayed away from the forbidden fruit until one day Satan came to them disguised as a snake.
He tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. At first, Eve did not listen and told him God had forbidden her to eat that fruit. But eventually, she gave in to her temptations and took a bite from the forbidden fruit. Adam did the same.
God did not like that Adam and Eve disobeyed Him and expelled them from the Garden of Eden for committing a sin. Since then, humans have been living on Earth.
There are many other Biblical stories that you might want to read to your child. But first, it’s important that you read the Bible yourself. Our website has great Bible study tools for beginners that you should check out. If you’re interested in some great Bible study books, read them here.