You can learn a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven from the Gospel of Matthew. Especially in Matthew 20:1-16, you can find Jesus’ parable on the concept of the Kingdom of Heaven. It also appears in Mark 12:1-12 and Luke 20:9-19.
Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard to his comment about “the first being last and the last being first.” Here’s all you need to know about this important parable.
What Is the Parable of The Vineyard?
It recites a story of many workers appointed to work in a vineyard. They were hired over different periods during the day. So, at the end of the day, those hired first expected more payment. But the vineyard owner paid them all equally.
This parable signifies that anyone can become a good person at any point in their life. And they’ll still get the same treatment in the Kingdom of Heaven. The workers appointed earlier represent those who’ve been following the Word of the Lord all their life. Jesus teaches us that God is merciful to us no matter how late we change ourselves. He’ll love and appreciate us whenever we’ll admit our mistakes.
We Learn the Truth About God’s Kingdom
Jesus reveals in the parable that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom. God rules over the hearts of His children who submit to His authority. We learn that following the Word of God is to transform yourself like how Paul instructs us in Romans 12:2. Those who follow the Lord will live a life of peace in God’s Kingdom. Moreover, we learn that you need to have faith to enter His Kingdom.
Only God Can Reward Us
We judge others freely by what we see on the surface. However, God judges us based on a different standard. The vineyard owner paid the workers equally at the end of the day. It might seem unfair to some people, but God knows better than us, and He is fair toward all His children.
We Learn About God’s Generosity
The workers hired later in the day had probably agreed to whatever wage they could get. At that time, few people could hold steady jobs because of heavy taxation and fewer resources.
Obviously, they needed the money as much as the workers hired earlier did. But they agreed to pay that was “right.” However, fairness is different in God’s Kingdom.
We might think we deserve more because we worked harder and longer. But God doesn’t judge His children based on that. We should remember the thief at Cavalry. He lived his whole life selfishly and broke the law. But he still joined Jesus in Paradise. God is generous and allows us multiple chances to turn to Him and change our ways.
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