If you want your child to be closer to God and become a kinder and compassionate human, get them to study and read the Bible. We understand that your child probably has a lot of school and physical training commitments, and it might not be the easiest to get them to recite the Bible every day.
Here are a few tips that may be helpful:
Lead by example
Children can’t be coerced or conditioned into following a certain habit or a develop interest in anything. If you want your child to develop an interest in studying the bible and learning more about God, you need to make them feel inspired. Children tend to imitate their elders and follow their example. They’ll adopt habits that they see their parents following. Talk to your spouse/partner and discuss how the two of you can set an example for your child to follow.
Start your day by reading the Bible and read it out aloud. Make sure you’re doing so in your child’s presence. Make it an essential part of your routine so your child considers it mandatory to adopt it.
Counsel them
Instead of telling your child that they need to study and read the Bible every day, talk about why it’s important. Emphasize the Bible is a message of kindness, compassion, and humanity for the entire human race. Tell them how it’s the word of God and helps individuals become better people. Tell your child that being closer to their God will help them excel at life, become a kinder individual, and help others.
Read stories of famous prophets and figures and how they inspired those around them. Tell them about Noah and his ark and how it saved him from the wrathful flood. Talk about Abraham and his famous sacrifice which eventually made him closer to God. Speak about Moses being one of the most impactful personalities in the Bible. Inspire your kids to want to be like them.
Educate them
Reading the Bible might not be easy for a child who is just starting out. The Bible is extensive, detailed, full of complexities, and often difficult to comprehend for a child. Make it easy for them. Seek help from online bible tools, articles, and study material to make the learning experience easy for your child. There is plenty of help available online to help decode the message of the Bible for your child.
Log on to Bible Issues to make it easy for your child to understand the Bible’s message. You’d find plenty of easy articles that explain everyday topics like church, family, healing, God, prayers, life after death, salvation, science, and social life in the light of Christianity and the message of the Bible.
There are plenty of eBooks, audio sermons, and other information sources to help your child expand their knowledge of the Bible.