If you want to improve your relationship with your God, the first step is to know that you need to invest in the relationship, and it needs effort.
Here are some of the ways you can do so:
Connect with the community
If you feel like you’re worshipping God and obeying His commandment, you might not be doing enough. There is more to becoming closer to your God than reading His scripture, memorize the Bible, or visit the church. To be closer to God, you need to be closer to His creations.
Be a good spouse, a good parent, a good citizen, a good neighbor, and a good friend. Take steps to become closer to the community, help those in need, and try to give back to society. When God puts you in a situation that allows you to help others, do it! It’s His way of blessing you. Find people you can pray with. It’s going to help strengthen. Your faith.
Attend the church service
We know we are all living in the middle of a pandemic. If you are unable to attend the church service every Sunday for fear of catching the infection, you can do so online. An online church service means no more worship bands, no more crowded pews, and no more tasty refreshments with friends. However, you can still join in the prayers, sing, and engage in worship. Even if you’re not together with everyone else at the church in person, you’re always together in spirit.
Study the Bible
The Bible isn’t always easy to comprehend if you’re looking for direct answers. To get closer to God, you need to not only read His word but also understand it. Don’t rush toward memorizing the Bible if the core message isn’t clear to you.
Understanding the message makes you feel like you’re communicating with the creator. Every relationship needs communication. You and your God also need to talk! When you read His book, you can almost feel Him talking to you and guiding you to the right path.
If you’re having a hard time understand the divine message behind the Bible, there are plenty of online resources and study tools to help you strengthen your connection with the Bible and your God. Bible Issues is your most authentic and credible online Bible study tool. There are plenty of articles, eBooks, and audio sermons to help with your journey of righteousness.